Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memoir

Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memoir

: June 1, 2006

“An exceptional, emotionally blooded memoir. . . . That this [memoir] turns out to be a breathtaking example of the quiet, selfless gorgeousness of the memorist’s art is the reader’s good fortune. Milani offers classically ordered writing about character, place, and time. . . . The entire memoir is infused with the perversity, nightmarishness, and occasional strange sweetness of growing up amid religious rule and ritual.[read more>>]

Inside Iran: Women’s Lives

: July, 2002

“Howard places in context the history and politics of gender in Iran, making this volume accessible to a popular audience.” – Library Journal, July 2002 .[read more>>]

The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution (In Persian)

“Candid and revealing[offers] a wealth of insights into Iranian society and culture.” – William Quandt, Foreign Affairs.[read more>>]